Plant Patent #08978 issued 11/15/1994.
The new peach tree (hereinafter refrred to as the `P.F. 15A` Peach Tree) was originated by Paul Friday in the experimental orchard, which is maintained for the purpose of breeding peach trees, at Paul Friday Farms Inc., located in Coloma, Mich. Coloma is located in the southwest portion of Michigan. In an ongoing mass selection breeding program, superior seedlings of unrecorded parentage are maintained as seed sources for the production of seeds which are collected and planted in mass. The seed producing parent trees are maintained solely as proprietary trees for breeding purposes and have not been released from the experimentl orchard, where such trees can be evaluated for their adaptability to local and regional growing conditions. Seeds resulting from open pollination of the trees in the experimental orchard are regularly planted in mass to produce new populations of seedlings which are cultured and monitored to maturity. Trees with superior attributes are retained for further observation and testing, and contribute seeds to advancing generations of new populations of seedlings.
The tree of this application, `P.F. 15A`, was a selection from one such a seedling population, and was based on the numerous superior genetic attributes of this tree which are described in the botanical descriptions to follow.
The new and distinct variety of peach tree was asexually propagated by budding as performed in the experimental orchard of Paul Friday Farms Inc. located in Coloma, Mich. The asexual propagation demonstrates that such reproduction of the charcteristics of the tree are consistent and are established and transmitted through succeeding propagation.
The new and distinct variety of peach tree is of moderate upright growth and a regular and productive bearer of peaches. The blossoms are characterized by being contracted or partially spread when in full bloom.
The blossoms of the present peach tree at full bloom may be characterized as being non-showy; i.e., angularly spaced five blossom petals projecting upwardly at an inclined angle so as to form a blossom, having a diameter of about 3/4" measured across the blossoms. The typical non-showy blossom as exemplified for example by the Redhaven peach has five (5) radially extending and angularly spaced petals projecting upwardly at a relatively steep inclined angle so that the diametrical measurement across the outer edges of the petals is about 1/2".
The flesh of the fruit of the present peach tree is firm and is yellow with some red mottling in the flesh.
The skin is smooth and is of dark red color over about eighty (80%) percent of its surface at maturity. The red color occurs over about sixty (60%) of the surface about 10 days prior to maturity. At maturity the peach is substantially spheroidal but with a pronounced suture with the diameter ranging between about 21/2" to 3 inches.
It is noteworthy that the fruit of this tree is further characterized as having smooth, gently rounded cheeks at the blossom end of the fruit. These protrude to form fruit surfaces higher than the blossom point. This characteristic reduces fruit damage in harvest, shipping and storage, by reducing the exposure of and damage to the apical blossom protrusion in handling. Thus breaching of the skin and formation of an entry point for microorganisms which cause rot in many other commercially important peach varieties harvested in the same production period is avoided in this fruit.
The fruit has a firm flesh and may be described as resilient to the extent that the flesh is yieldable and restorable to its original state when subjected to impact forces which may cause permanent deformities in peached of the commercial varieties. The firmness of the fruit facilitates handling and packaging of the peaches without damaging the same for shipment. This results in less spoilage and also increases the shelf life.
The fruit matures in the middle part of the peach growing seasons of Southwestern Michigan. The fruit as mentioned heretofore is of red color over about eighty (80%) percent of its spheroidal surface and has a very attractive appearance.
Evaluations are based on a 1-8 scale (6=OK,7=Commercially acceptable, 8=Excellent)
Size is in inches
Shape: round is assumed, T=tip, P=point, S=suture, OB=oblate, OV=ovate
Pubescence: 10=nectarine
Blush: presented as percentage of ground color cover with red or similar
Freeness: 3=early cling, 8=completely free
Status: 0=discard, 1=keep
Notes: SOS=soft on suture, SOT=soft on tip, RIF=red in flesh, GAS=green around stem
RAP=red around pit, GGC=green ground color, sz=size, wh=white, yt=young tree, CCT=concave tip
Bloom date is when approx. 90% of blooms are open (full bloom)
The description of each variety of peach or nectarine fruit under each group is in different formats as this information is collected from varied sources and hence is not consistent