green ground color, inconsistent shape, low juiciness and only moderate sweetness
Orig. in Red Bluff, Calif.,
by Grant Merrill, Exeter, Calif. Introd. in 1968. Gemfree x Blazing Gold.
Cross made in 1956, selected in 1959, tested as 57-131. Fruit: size medium;
generally globose; skin smooth, pubescence very short, one-half to three-fourths
covered with red blush; flesh firm for the season, clingstone; shipping
qualities good; has few split pits; ripens late May and early June in San
Joaquin Valley. Tree: size medium, vase shaped; vigor moderate; productivity
considered good for its season; flower small, blooms early to midseason,
abundant pollen; leaf glands reniform.
Evaluations are based on a 1-8 scale (6=OK,7=Commercially acceptable, 8=Excellent)
Size is in inches
Shape: round is assumed, T=tip, P=point, S=suture, OB=oblate, OV=ovate
Pubescence: 10=nectarine
Blush: presented as percentage of ground color cover with red or similar
Freeness: 3=early cling, 8=completely free
Status: 0=discard, 1=keep
Notes: SOS=soft on suture, SOT=soft on tip, RIF=red in flesh, GAS=green around stem
RAP=red around pit, GGC=green ground color, sz=size, wh=white, yt=young tree, CCT=concave tip
Bloom date is when approx. 90% of blooms are open (full bloom)
The description of each variety of peach or nectarine fruit under each group is in different formats as this information is collected from varied sources and hence is not consistent